Sunday, 02 June 2024

Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

Orthodontics is the art of dentistry which deals with the development and positional anomalies of the teeth and the jaws as they affect oral health and the physical, esthetic and mental well-being of the person. It is a special branch of dentistry which deals with the alignment of the teeth.

The goal of the Orthodontics program is to provide basic and advanced education in orthodontics, enhancing the understanding of the diagnosis and treatment planning of various types of malocclusions, and increasing the skills applied in their management. The undergraduate program in orthodontics is designed to enable the qualifying dental surgeon to diagnose, analyze and treat common orthodontic problems by preventive, interceptive and corrective orthodontic procedures. This program provides an in-depth knowledge about the growth and development, diagnosis, treatment planning, material science, appliances and management of different types of malocclusion.

Pediatric Dentistry is an age-specific specialty that provides primary and comprehensive, preventive and therapeutic oral health care from infants and children to adolescents, including patients who need special treatment. Implicit in the philosophy of children’s dentistry is a commitment to consider the child’s feelings, to gain the child’s confidence and co-operation to perform the treatment in a kind and sympathetic manner, to be concerned with not only providing the treatment currently required but also promoting child’s future dental health by stimulating the attitude and behavior regarding dental care.

The goal of the Pediatric Dentistry program is to enable students to maintain the functioning, esthetics and arch integrity of the primary dentition, treat and prevent dental caries in primary and young permanent teeth, as well as to perform education in child dental health care to parents. Students do not only learn about the development of teeth, tooth changing, distinguishing between milky and permanent teeth, but also examine and practice these skills during course sessions. There are numerous opportunities to learn communication with children during regular dental control sessions. Besides these re-visits, conservative (pre-planned) and acute tooth therapies are available for both dentitions. In the last semester of study, there is an elective course in the management of dental traumas in children, which allows students to master ways in which these severe and frequently occurring problems can be solved successfully.